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About Cohabimates

Behind Cohabimates™ is the hope of two people driven to help you make the best possible choice about what we think is the most important decision you’ll ever make to shape your future happiness: who to partner with. That’s why we’ve built a social media community and website for the sole, relationship-hacking purpose of promoting what we call #ConsciousCompatibility: The continuous (and enthusiastic!) pursuit of deliberately determining if you and your partner are compatible…and then deepening that compatibility so you two really can turn from “maybe” to “happily ever after.”


In our experience, long-term coupling requires being hungrily curious about your mate before you ever utter “I do.” It means engaging in the tough topics couples often avoid, and asking questions about one another’s dreams, dislikes and general life purview—aka, #TheGoods, as we call them—even when we might not like the answers. Because let’s face it: Tough topics never magically disappear. 


We’ve seen firsthand how avoiding important, value-based conversations can lead to unhappy endings. That’s why our goal is to inspire partners—no matter where they are in the arc of their relationship—to talk. (Our opinion?  #BetterNowThanLater.)


Cohabimates™ is for everyone and anyone who’s interested in partnering with someone spectacularly perfect for them. So…



Our site and Instagram feed (@cohabimates) will help you identify the qualities you want in your next partner by strengthening your self-awareness and self-worth…giving you tools to dive deep into the topics that will ensure you never settle. Truth: Loneliness can lead to questionable dating choices when we ignore that voice in our head (or our friends’ on the phone, areweright?) because we’re sick of being alone. Life’s too short to make commitments based off the hope of what might be, versus what actually is. That is why we believe there are #NoWrongAnswers: Knowing where you stand with your partner is essential to true love.



If you’re serious about building a future together, create a safe space with your partner by employing our #EffortNotWork attitude to go beyond your topical interests. Have the courage to explore your true compatibility. (You can do it!)



Address Cohabimates™ questions, together, to reignite your curiosity about each other and topics that may have inadvertently been too long overlooked. It’s never too late to mix it up and challenge your assumptions (a concept we sassily refer to as #NoFuckingHoneymoon).


We’ve co-created Cohabimates™ because lessons learned from our previous marriages have made us deeply mindful about the coupling process...challenging romantic assumptions that are planted from early, inexperienced ages waaaay before we meet the object of our affection. 


We deeply believe that intimately understanding your partner creates a powerful connection that will become the foundation for your life-long, loving relationship (and, intimately understanding your own views, perspectives and needs will help prime you to recognize when true love walks into your life). The Cohabimates™ community is here to help you thoughtfully explore you and your partner’s compatibility by using questions that we’ve culled from our own relationships, personal therapeutic experience, and the professional communication and storytelling skills we’ve honed throughout our collective 40 years in our respective careers. To us, mindfully asking and answering questions is not only important in a relationship, it’s everything. It’s why the concept of #ConsciousCompatibility is so freaking important to us.  


So whatever your relationship status, Cohabimates™ will help you discover and nurture deep love with the person who’s most compatible with you…preferably sooner than we did. 




Jen & Parker

Have the courage to explore your compatibility and build your future together.

Cohabimates™ is not a licensed psychological organization, nor does its team practice medicine or is licensed to practice medicine. Any and all information garnered from Cohabimates™ should not be interpreted as a substitute for professional consultation, evaluation or treatment. If you need psychological advice, please seek a professional. However, if you need the services that only a corporate customer success strategist or a national profile, food and lifestyle, and emotional health journalist can provide, email us at We’ll hook you up.

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